AI Repli

ChatGPT over email

FAQ: Everything you need to know


What is AI Repli?

AI Repli is a simple service that allows users to leverage ChatGPT over email.

How do I use it?

When you sign up we provide detailed instructions.

How Do I Sign Up?

Signing up is easy! Just click on the Sign Up link and follow the instructions.

I can access ChatGPT through a browser - why would I need this?

AI Repli has been created for those who cannot access ChatGPT as you normally would. If you can access ChatGPT over the internet with no issue, you do not need to use this service. You can sign up for an OpenAI account here.

How Much Does It Cost?

Whilst AI Repli is in the initial stages of being developed the service is free. Feel free to Sign Up and give it a try.

How Can I Contact Support?

If you have any questions or run into any issues, you can reach out by clicking on the Contact button.


Which models do you use?

At the moment the service only calls gpt-3.5-turbo-1106. We will provide access to more models in the future.

What Are the System Requirements?

AI Repli is a web-based service, so all you need is a modern web browser and an internet connection to setup your account. Once this is done you can email the service like you were emailing anyone else, you don't need to access the website to use the service.

How can I create a feature request?

Please get in touch with us by clicking on the Contact button.